Everything seemed to be working fine with it - no lockups or freezes, no issues when adding files to the vault. If you can somehow get out of the hang, pressing Esc or some key combination to end it, try running a CHKDSK command on the drive and see if it reports any problems. I don't know about the hanging situation or how to fix it. It works, I downlaoded the Secureaccess exe file, placed in the same directory and after opening it, the applicaiton asks that vault exists and I just need to repair INDEX file.
It's possible the old files are lost and you will be starting over. Como Instalar Y Usar SanDisk Secure Access V2 0 Para Tu USB Whether it will allow you to access the old vault I don't know. You can certainly download a new copy of SecureAccess to the flash drive and install it.
For that purpose I installed Secure Access software set the pass and imported all files in the vault.